( This article was written on 26th June, 2015 )
Ladies and gentleman, today on the
occasion of Gay marriage being legalized, I, too, would like to put my two cents
in. Speaking of Gay marriage and LGBT community rights, another issue comes to
my mind which, by the way, is equally popular and is many a times blown out of
proportions – Gender Equality.
“You don’t have to be anti-men to
be pro-women.” – Jane Galvin Lewis
Ah yes, this is something we know
of, right? It’s seen and heard everywhere these days after all. The way this
issue has gained popularity among all walks of life still continues to astound
me. We even have a few clichéd lines saved up to speak out when we see the
females being discriminated. I mean, I’m also an ex-feminist and I know how
much fickle our Indian society can be. We see something on T.V or Youtube, then
we share a few posts on social media and that’s that. We have done our job of
being a responsible and conscious citizen.
The point I want to raise here is –
what about male equality? Sure, India is a male dominated country with a
patriarchal set-up but times are changing and metropolitans are a witness to
that. But keeping that fact apart as well, shouldn’t we be unbiased and support
a cause which is ethically and morally correct or should we just support an
idea without thinking it through logically.
Why do we expect men to stand up
and leave their seats in the buses? Why should men always pay for you? For
your date, drinks, shopping spree, etc..? Why is it that we apply the rule of
“beauty comes in all shapes and sizes” for females solely? Why are men considered
to be the provider of the family?
And if by any chance a man fails to
do any of that, the entire society questions his masculinity.
If a guy hits on you? He’s a jerk
If a guy rejects you? He’s an
arrogant ass-hole
If a guy agrees to all your whims?
He’s not man enough.
If he doesn't? He’s an egoistic
And if this is not judgemental enough, then we have our fair share of some pretty colourful tags for females
too – dumb blondes, female drivers, slut, whore, gold digger, etc. This list
goes on and on.
However, I feel that just like we
don’t adore women with plastic surgeries, fake orange tans (or in our case,
using fairness creams) fake laughs, bleached blonde hair, nasal voices….. We
also expect certain things from men. That’s not to say we can crucify them for
not doing that but chivalry and manners are always appreciated. Just like class
and elegance is appreciated and sought after in women. Again, that’s not
something gender specific. Every human being likes attention and those traits
make you sought after. It’s just different things for men and women.
Now, considering the present
scenario, I tried to think logically, instead of conventionally and I realised
that dumbness or arrogant chauvinism isn’t gender specific. Men and women are
stupid. Men and women are smart.
Moving forward, I think it’s high
time that those feminists start paying for their damn drinks now, since they so
religiously believe that all men are scum. But hey, we don’t mind a scum
spending a few bucks on us, do we? That doesn’t go against the norms of
feminism at all, right ladies?
While here I sum up one view on
gender equality. But on the same hand, I also have another take on the very
issue. I think gender equality is a losing cause. How can we claim to be equals
when we clearly aren’t? Men and women are not alike in any way. Men from the
primitive times are biologically programmed to be the providers and women to be
caregivers. So are we strong enough to change the laws of nature?
Yin and Yang can live together in
harmony by being what they are. If the water tries to be solid and hard like
the rocky mountain or if the rocky mountain tries to be soft and gentle like
the flowing water… It kind of goes against the grain or in other words, it
seems unnatural and improbable.
Similarly, how can females compete
with men in their physical strength ? How can men understand the selfless love
of a mother when it’s clearly not in their genetic make-up.
While I certainly don’t advocate
any of these to you but I have shared my point of view. If you’re fighting for
gender equality, then ladies, woman up and own it. And men, don’t pin
those tags or generalize. And if you believe otherwise, then let’s just say,
you can be excused for having a dumb moment once in a while and we can also let
male ego slide down sometimes.
Personally though, I lean towards
my other belief. I have tried and been there and done that. And given up on
going against nature. Some things ARE going to remain gender specific.
So, I think it's time we stop blowing this trumpet of gender equality and simply extend respect to all those who deserve, irrespective of their gender or their gender preference ;-) The only
thing we should do is that - we stop being
orthodox and judgmental and focus on our individual growth.
That’s it folks!!
Ps. I’m personally very happy for
the legalization of Gay marriage. It marks the beginning of that one thing I
desperately follow and preach – Live and let others live. It’s like hating a
person for not liking the same flavour of ice cream that you do…. Okay okay, I’m rambling!
Adiós mis amigos :)